
对话Chris Forde|数字时代的企业变革与EA人才未来

Chris Forde
The Open Group EA副总裁兼亚太区总经理&企业架构师协会(AEA®)首席执行官
作为The Open Group全球EA副总裁兼亚太区总经理,Forde先生领导并负责了TOGAF®标准、O-AA™️开放敏捷架构标准和ArchiMate®建模语言等多个架构领域标准构建的顶层设计与突破,并为TOGAF® v10标准等多个版本的制定和全球发布做出了巨大贡献。
Chris Forde先生拥有近30年的企业架构开发与管理经验,作为架构领域顶层设计和创新的领导者和实践者,他始终致力于架构学科和技术标准的研发和推动。多年来不断探索企业架构的可持续发展,提炼最佳实践,并积极投身于其在全球和中国市场的普及和应用,旨在帮助企业实现业务目标,以及全球互操作性的实现。在加入The Open Group之前,Forde先生曾任美国运通战略和架构副总裁,主导并负责客户服务能力。

在由The Open Group主办的2023架构·可持续未来峰会上,The Open Group EA副总裁兼亚太区总经理、企业架构师协会(AEA)首席执行官Chris Forde先生围绕EA从业者进行数字化转型,提出了企业应该如何支持可持续性目标所需的技能和思考。
峰会期间,Chris Forde接受了来自中国工业报、中国工控网等多家媒体的采访,并就“架构人才的培养建议”与“数字标准制定对企业的重要意义”等热点问题发表了自身的见解。
Q1:作为权威的国际技术标准组织,The Open Group一直处于可持续企业架构推广的前沿。对您来说,数字标准的制定对企业和社会的重要意义有哪些?
As an authoritative international technical standards organization, The Open Group has been at the forefront of the promotion of sustainable EA. For you, what is the significance of the development of digital standards for business and society?
A1:The Open Group通过TOGAF®、ArchiMate®和O-AA™等标准,在推动企业架构领域的发展方面发挥了主导作用。作为一种确保技术和系统在设计、实施和管理时考虑到对环境和社会的长期影响的手段,数字标准对企业和社会正变得越来越重要。
The Open Group has played a leading role in advancing the field of Enterprise Architecture through standards such as TOGAF®, ArchiMate® and the Open Agile Architecture™️standard. Digital Standards are becoming increasingly significant for businesses and society as a means of ensuring that technology and systems are designed, with, implemented with, and governed with the long-term impact on the environment and society in mind.
In addition, digital standards provide guidelines for businesses and society to adopt, helping us to ask the right questions and provide a starting point of best practices which may reduce inconsistencies and inefficiencies in technology deployment and usage. Standardizing digital practices can also help to improve interoperability, making it easier for different systems to connect with one another and communicate effectively. In addition, digital standards, practices and governance can help to ensure that systems are designed to be compliant to laws and regulations, that they are also secure, robust, and resilient, minimizing the risk of failures or attacks that can have negative impacts on businesses and society.
The development of digital standards is also a crucial aspect of ensuring that technology serves the broader needs of society and aligns with national and global goals for sustainable development. Digital standards can help to ensure that technology solutions are aligned with sustainable practices, such as those outlined in the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the national agenda here in China as outliner by the government.
它们还有助于确保技术解决方案考虑到所有利益攸关方的需求,包括弱势和边缘化群体的需求。这是The Open Group和联合国以及国际电信联盟在The Open Group主持的政府EA工作组中相互接触的一个关键原因,可持续发展目标是该工作的核心。
Another way that these standards and practices can help is to ensure that technology solutions consider the needs of all stakeholders, including vulnerable and marginalized groups. This is a key reason The Open Group and UN/ITU are engaging with each other in the Government EA work group hosted by The Open Group, the SDG’s are at the core of that work.
Q2:本届架构峰会聚焦于“可持续发展”主题。对此,The Open Group有怎样的建议、标准或工具,可以帮助企业在低碳环境中生存、制胜?
This Summit mainly focused on the theme of “EA for Sustainability”. Regarding to this topic, what are your and your organization's recommendations, standards, or tools to help businesses survive and succeed in a low-carbon environment?
Helping not only businesses but governments organize themselves to succeed in achieving a low carbon environment is critical to implementing sustainable practices nationally and internationally. So adopting a sustainable approach to enterprise architecture, which can be achieved by aligning technology solutions with local and global goals for sustainable development within a government or enterprise context.
The Open Group已经开发了一些标准和工具来帮助企业实现可持续的企业架构,包括ArchiMate®(点击了解更多),它旨在支持可持续业务流程的建模和可视化,以及TOGAF®标准(点击了解更多),它为转型和设计一个可持续的企业提供了一个框架。
The Open Group has developed several standards and tools to help businesses achieve sustainable enterprise architecture, including ArchiMate®, which is designed to support the modeling and visualization of sustainable business processes, and TOGAF® standard, which provides a framework for transformation and designing a sustainable enterprise.
There are two other relevant topics related to this question. one is DPBoK™️which provides a set of principles describing how Digital Standards can be best used together to accelerate the adoption of Digital practices across an organization, facilitating sustainable, and enduring change not something that's temporary additionally. We’ve also got the Open Footprint standard which is an executable platform and data model and associated program in interfaces to record and report on carbon footprint in an open and transparent manner.
作为技术标准开发的领导者,The Open Group致力于支持政府和企业努力实现可持续发展目标,我们将继续关注这一重要主题。
As a leader in the development of technology standards, The Open Group is committed to supporting governments and enterprises in their efforts to achieve sustainability goals and we continue to focus on this important topic.
The construction of architecture talent is crucial for the sustainable development of enterprises, and it is also one of the important issues in the current digital age. In your opinion, how to cultivate and discover good architects? How can companies attract and retain these talents?
The development of architecture talent is essential for the sustainable development of enterprises, particularly in the digital age, where technology is an integral part of every aspect of business operations. So identifying and cultivating architects companies need to adopt a multi-pronged approach they have to have several ways of doing this.
Firstly, companies should create a community and a well-defined career path for architects that outlines the levels, knowledge, skills, experience, and competencies required for advancement at each level. This will help to guide, motivate, and encourage architects to develop their skills and expertise, and create a sense of professionalism, stability, and security.
It is also necessary in creating that environment to provide continuous learning opportunities and experienced development opportunities. These are crucial for architects to stay abreast of the latest practices, technologies, and trends in the field. Companies should invest in training programs, certification programs, workshops, and conferences to provide architects with the necessary resources to develop their skills and stay current.
It's a global problem that there is a massive shortage of experienced competent enterprise architects around the world. Identifying and training architects is not done effectively in most academic systems. It typically falls on the enterprise to identify potential talent internally and develop those people over several years. There is a global shortage of experienced competent talent, so it is actually very difficult to simply advertise and hire the necessary talent in the market place. One way to mitigate this in hiring is to hire certified people with formal training even if they do not have all the experience you need. They will at a minimum have a common professional vocabulary and set of accepted best practices to leverage as they gain experience.
Mentorship is also an effective way of cultivating talent in any field, and architecture is no exception. Companies should encourage their architects to participate in professional organizations and related mentorship programs that connect them with more experienced architects who can provide guidance and feedback.